Why RAL 7035 is so important for Firmship:
RAL 7035, also known as Light Grey, is a specific shade within the RAL colour matching system. This system was developed in Germany in 1927 and is widely used in various industries to standardize and communicate colour choices. RAL colours only are used by Job Smeets in his studio Job. Here are the reasons why RAL 7035 specifically is selected by Job Smeets for Firmship:
Neutrality: RAL 7035 is a neutral grey colour that falls in the middle of the grayscale spectrum. Its neutrality means it doesn't have strong undertones of warm or cool colours, making it a versatile choice that can work well with a wide range of other colours. This neutrality makes it an excellent base colour or background choice in design and architecture.
Versatility: Its versatility is one of its key attributes. RAL 7035 can be used in both indoor and outdoor applications, making it suitable for a wide range of purposes. Whether it's used in interior design, industrial equipment, transportation, or architecture, its adaptability shines through.